Scroll down for upcoming workshops registration details
is a powerful experiential approach
to self-exploration, personal transformation, spiritual awareness, inquiry and healing.
It integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices,
and mystical traditions of the world.
A powerful way to release stuck energies, feelings, memories and open to new spaces that will support a fuller expression
of your most authentic being and movement forward.
It was developed by Stanislav Grof, MD and Christina Grof, two leading pioneers in the field of Transpersonal Psychology. Holotropic means literally "moving toward wholeness" from the Greek "holos" - whole, and "trapein" - moving in the
direction of something.
A very important concept in this work if the inner healing intelligence that operates within the human psyche, "inner healer". "The process of self exploration and therapy in Holotropic Breathwork is spontaneous and autonomous; it is governed by the inner healing intelligence of the breather, rather than guided by a therapist following the principles of a particular school of psychotherapy". As facilitators we are "midwives" to
what arises from within the breather.
The process itself uses very simple means; it combines accelerated breathing with evocative music in a special setting. With eyes closed and lying on a mat, each person uses their own breath and the music in the room to enter a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This state activates the natural inner healing process of the individual's psyche, bringing him or her a particular set of internal experiences. With the inner healing intelligence guiding the process, the quality and content brought forth is unique to each person and for that
particular time and place.
Holotropic Breathwork Workshops COMING UP:
March 21 - 23, 2025
Cacao & Rosas, Holotropic Breathwork,
and Creative Integration
One day Holotropic Breathwork-
Open to ALL !
Saturday April 25 or May 31
9:30 am to 8:30 pm
Contribution : $350.00
Includes preparation videos, workshop, dinner and an optional call a week after the workshop.
And you can add :
Optional integration next morning
Sundays April 26 or June 1
9:30 am to 12:30 pm
(Add $50)
I highly recommend attending the integration morning. There are air B & B's I can recommend in the area
and so many more you can find or camping sites.
Financial Contribution :
For your contribution you can use the links below for paypal or input your amount to the email [email protected],
(ideally via friends and family), Zelle via your bank,
Or Venmo @Mireya-Alejo
Let me know which one you are using !
What is included ?
Saturday includes snacks through out the day (fruits, tea and nuts), dinner, preparation video before with
Q & A and an integration call a week after.
Participants bring their lunch.
For those only attending Saturday and not staying for the integration morning, there are campsites in the area or air b & b's or some of you might
decide to drive back. Thank you !
Cancellation policy :
If it occurs more than two weeks before workshop
full refund minus $35 admin fee.
Within two weeks funds can be applied for future
Three days before workshop no refund or
application of funds.
Health agreements:
Let's please take care of each other as best as we can! Stay home if you have any show of symptoms of illness or have been with someone ill. Gracias !
Contact: Mireya at [email protected]
For payment you can use the paypal links below or use venmo or zelle with my phone number or email.