Testimonial from recent participants :
I recently finished Mireya's integration class and feel a renewed sense of hope for medicine work. So often the integration piece is overlooked. This class reminded me that when we take the time to sit with the images, memories and feelings that come to our clients through this work we can harvest the deep wisdom in our psyches and bodies to facilitate bringing intentions into fruition. This course covered how the tools of meditation, altar creation, journaling, art, movement, and group witnessing can come together to bring awakening and healing. I fully recommend this class to any practitioner interested in learning new skills for their practice, it was both professionally and personally incredibly rewarding. - Megan C.
I participated in Mireya Marcet’s Psychedelic Integration seminar in 2022.
Mireya weaves an enjoyable,informative and healing tapestry of healing arts activities creating an open and safe space for inner work. Noteworthy activities were: the creation of sacred spaces/installments, music/movement, intuitive journaling, and drawing/painting. I found this course very helpful for my mind, body and life integration of a variety of previous experiences with altered states of consciousness from plant medicine, meditation, and breathwork. Perhaps most important, I felt happier, lighter, more open with greater personal insight after the seminar. Highly recommended!
Daniel P Marshall, MD
CIIS/CPTR graduate 2022
This course/training is applicable for both, professionals
seeking more tools for their integration work with others,
as well as those looking for tools for your own inner work integration. While there are theoretical and teaching sections,
you will also be invited into your creative/sacred creation space, which truly enhances the depth of the material we are working with. As well as lightens the online component.
Upcoming Dates in 2025 :
February 14 to 16 - To be confirmed
March 7 to 9
May 16 to 18
In this training/course we will explore :
There will be a combination of theory and practice,
including a brief exploration with our breath.
Diverse layers and parts to the integration process.
Expressive arts, altar and sacred space creation as well as mindfulness practices, as powerful allies to the integration process. Exploring practices and their application.
Work in nature, landscape, slowing down and contemplation.
Modeling the practice of integration with tools and ideas for long term relationship to the internal experiences.
The healing potential of the imaginal realm.
Contributions of the Grof and Holotropic Breathwork theory
and practice to the theme of integration.
Contribution from indigenous practices to the
current clinical frames.
The art of holding sacred space.
Lastly, we will also have times for community sharing and discussion related to this topic so we can create a shared tapestry of contribution and learning
Friday : 9:30 am to noon & 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Saturday : 9:30 am to 12:45 pm / 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Sunday : 10 t0 1:00 pm
Post workshop integration / reflections call
A week after each group
Financial contribution:
For your contribution you can use the paypal link below or use Zelle or Venmo@Mireya-Alejo or [email protected]
If you need sliding scale or payment plan to
attend do check in with me
Practices with expanded states of consciousness like Holotropic Breathwork and others "can open the psyche on a very deep level and radically change the relationship between the conscious and the unconscious dynamics. The final outcome of the session does not depend on how much traumatic material was brought into consciousness and processed, but how well the experience was completed and integrated”
Stan and Christina Grof in "Holotropic Breathwork"
Stan and Christina Grof in "Holotropic Breathwork"
Integration Offerings :
- Individual sessions *
- Post-workshop conference call
- Bundles / packages tailored to your own
- individual process and needs
- 6 day residential module "The art and practice of integration"
Creative Integration: A practice I developed using diverse modalities, such as astrology, somatic awareness, ritual, expressive arts, Grof theoretical frame, and the natural world - according to what the process and client need.

Testimonials from
"The art and practice of integration
6 day residential"
"I am so glad I did it as part of my training, as I feel I gained tremendously from it. I understand the benefits of paying attention to integration in ways I would
never have gotten otherwise.”
“I’ve not had a comfortable history with ‘creativity’ & ‘arts’. Mireya presented them as tools of integration in a very holotropic way, creating comfortable & safe set & settings, and gently guiding us through each practice. It was really beautiful and treated much like the breathwork itself, so that for me I could trust that it was all unfolding as I needed and I could appreciate the uniqueness & expression of each of us in the group. I left feeling I could do another week of exploring the practices even more deeply, and I realized how valuable the practice of integration could be
rather than the theory of it.”
“In the past I might have said that integrative practices were kind of common sense and I could list any number of them. But something about the way Mireya taught the module really deepened my relationship to the work and opened me to new ways of integrating it. Many others in the group shared that they also had been stretched in ways they did not anticipate and the very modalities they had been self-conscious about in the past, were about to become a mainstay in their practices of integration.
So…not only a furthering/integrating of their personal growth as the result of the module, but for those who go on to facilitate, it will translate to
their participants as well.”