So much love in this piece!
There is so much happening in the current sky landscape and plenty of good information already out there, that I will focus this brief writing on two contrasting energies / archetypes that can serve each other and the human/collective psyche during these times. Mostly this idea came to me with the reminder of the incredible / almost uncanny perfection that the dance of the cosmos and psyche tends to constantly remind us off. Often while we are having intense more challenging aspects there is a way in which the smaller and faster planets join in the configuration to bring some ease and movement forward. As a teacher of mine says, the Capricorn energy is one step forward and three “apparently backward”, however, ideally three steps into the depths of the unknown and unconscious that will then leap the next step forward. Easy to say and not so easy when we are in the depths of darkness…however, still available to us when the time is right. Currently this dance is showing itself with the Saturn / Pluto conjunction, in contrast with the Moon /Venus /Neptune alignment. (tonight and then just moon and venus the rest of the week)
I don’t need to state the obvious of what dynamic times we are undergoing. Our consciousness and world are being confronted with deep questions of life, death and rebirth at its core. The sky story reflects structural and deeply transformative transits like the Saturn / Pluto conjunction going on currently to confront all previous structures inward and outward, as well as so much energy in Capricorn demanding that we stay awake, truthful and build from the core. Even though, we each experience these configurations uniquely and according to our own charts and life. I will share some current thoughts regarding the Saturn / Pluto using the metaphor of birth.
I didn’t have my own children but had the gift of being present in three births of friends of mine. In all the births I witnessed, there was that moment when the contractions have been going on full force, the mother is exhausted, the team is exhausted, everybody knows there is something big about to happen because there is no going back as the baby is in the birth canal and we are speaking about a living being. And at the same time, "apparently nothing is happening" ... I remember sitting in that room during that hour or two where one of the mothers was given a rest before the big last round …everything was apparently absolutely still and yet I felt this incredible connection with the life force that was about to be birthed, its huge vulnerability in that moment, perhaps even already deep trauma imprint from so many hours … and yet, somewhere in all that, mother, child, creation and all of us sitting there had to trust that the birth of life would happen no matter what. Even, along with the apparent reality of “nothing happening” … EVERYTHING was happening at the same time. All of this, required such huge faith in the unknown and the cyclical process of life and death.
Once the child was born, the mother’s eyes had a deep combination of utter exhaustion and extreme sensitivity from the 40 something hours of work and yet when she gazed at that precious new being the tenderness, love and rawness was the sweetest medicine to very slowly dissolve and soften the massive “trauma” they had just gone through. With of course, so many other layers and textures. Somehow this story, feels like a metaphor for exactly what we are undergoing collectively as well as some of us personally. As well as what I am sharing here regarding the archetypal dance of the cosmos in the interaction between planets which qualities are here to complement the other .
Some say that the transits have been preparing us for this time personally and as a collective, however, like it showed in the birth story: the exhaustion can be big, at times the hopelessness and despair weaves in, or the disorientation and mostly the huge unknown … And, at the same time,
the new birth of the child is going to happen no matter what. And it will be tender, raw and transformative.
We just don’t know how or when.
As I witnessed the Moon/Venus/Neptune conjunction last night, I imagined and prayed to them as a softening blanket of he most exquisite love that could wrap itself all around humanity's heart, to elevate each of us into a heart moment of tender vulnerability, love and truth. Not anything huge, just a deep breath where each of us can feel a moment of that intimate quietude with our inner being. I remembered my friend holding her new born child and wondered how we could learn to do that with every inner place of contraction we go through and our earth is going through, and wrap it around in the same way Moon/Venus/Neptune
is showing up to do with Saturn /Pluto.
Even in the hardest moments, the mother had to go through it… She couldn’t interrupt it mid way …she had to go all the way… And on some level we know we are forever bonded and committed to the child. Somehow I feel at this point we all are in it is similar… We might have many or some moments we want to give up, numb with external distractions, check out, give up ...etc… however, I believe that on some greater soul level as we embodied in this incarnation, we committed to go ALL THE WAY.
ALL THE WAY committed to the child (creative process) that needs to birth from us, to the earth, to truth and to the journey of evolution. And most of all, all the way back to that love. The one love that we all seek and long for so deeply. So here we are.
One breath at a time.
Thank you ... I love you
We are in it together